The Service
Our 9:00 am worship service includes traditional reformed elements of worship such as Call to Worship, Responsive Readings, Profession of Faith, Doxology, Pastoral Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer and Benediction.
Our music is accompanied by organ and piano. Every Sunday we sing the great hymns of the church and occasionally include a well known praise song from the last 40 years. The words are projected on the screen and most songs are also found in the hymnals in each pew. Our adult choir and our bell-choir periodically sing and ring during the offertory.
Every week the scripture is read aloud, and Pastor Tim preaches in English from that Bible passage. A sermon outline is available in your bulletin and projected on the screen.
What to Expect
Communion is celebrated on the First Sunday of the Month served by our elders and deacons.
Childcare is available in the nursery each week for children 3 years old and under by caregivers who are trained and background checked.
Our ushers are available at any time to answer questions and provide assistance.
Each Sunday personal prayer is offered by trained intercessors in the front of the Sanctuary.