
Giving as Worship

Our whole life is to be a service of worship to God. When the offering is taken at our Sunday services, it is not club fees, membership dues or charity that we are asking for. God is not impoverished that we need to lend him some cash. Giving money is a tangible way to worship the God who has given us everything. All we have, all we have accomplished and our very lives are all gifts from our abundantly generous God. We give in obedience to God’s command and as act of surrender. We trust God with our whole lives, so we give God a tangible offering of dollars and cents to thank Him, praise Him, and honor Him. God always provides enough resources so that we can be generous and yet always know that God will supply for all our needs as well. If you would like to know more about the biblical practice of giving please feel free to contact Pastor Tim or Pastor Silvio.

Giving on Sunday

At the 9 am Traditional Worship Service the offering is taken by ushers passing the plate to those seated in the pews while a musical offertory is played, then we stand to sing the doxology. At the 11 am Contemporary Worship Service the offering is taken by ushers passing the plates to those in the pews while the band offers instrumental praise to God. At the 1:30 pm Spanish Worship Service the offering is taken by ushers passing the plate to those seated in the pews. We always thank God for His good gifts before or after the offering is received.

Offering Envelopes

Church offering envelopes are available for covenant partners and regular attenders in order to track charitable giving. Please contact the office for more information.

Deacon Funds

Our deacons oversee the Congregational Care Fund and Community Care Fund to be given as needed to those qualifying for financial assistance. Yellow envelopes are available in the pews each week. Please consider giving so that we might continue to bless others in need in our congregation and in our community.

Online Giving

To give your offering online please click the Give Online box below. To use text-to-give number please click the TEXT-TO-GIVE box below. God bless you. 

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

2 Corinthians 9:7–8