The Service
Every Sunday we begin the service with singing, scripture reading and prayer. We are led by the Spanish Worship Band which can include: keyboard, guitar, bass, drums and saxophone. All songs lyrics are projected on the screen.
The worship is also led by the Danza Dance Team, celebrating God through sacred dance. Flags and tambourines are also available for those in the congregation.
Every week the scripture is read aloud, and Pastor Silvio preaches in Spanish from that Bible passage.
What to Expect
Communion is celebrated on the First Sunday of the Month by coming forward to receive the bread and juice. Kids are welcome to come forward with their parents to receive grapes.
Childcare is provided for children up to age 3 by caregivers who are trained and background checked. A Sunday school program is offered after worship singing for children ages 4 to 14.
Our ushers are available at any time to answer questions and provide assistance.
After the service please join us for dinner in the fellowship hall.